Code Chronicles

Unveil a hidden chest brimming with enigmatic treasures of the coding realm. Delve into a trove of captivating projects that ignite imaginationand challenge conventions. Each code snippet holds the potential to unlock boundless possibilities and unravel the mysteries of technology. Enter this realm of unknown wonders, where innovation awaits your exploration.
- ChatGPT description of Code Chronicles


Stan Test Suite

A collection of Stan models and data sets for testing and benchmarking.

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Python Package


A framework for implementing coordinator-follower and coordinator-manager-follower networks on vanilla HTCondor.

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Python Package


A collection of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods in Python using Numpy and Scipy.

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Python Package


A collection of Bayesian filtering methods in Python using Numpy and Scipy.

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Portfolio Website

Next.js and Tailwind CSS

Portfolio Website

The source code for this website, built using Node.js and Tailwind CSS. Based on the Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog by Timothy Lin.

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